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Why wind energy is a good investment in Brazil

Wind power generation grew 24% by July 2018, compared to the same period last year, as new wind farms are in operation.

The sector should be the second main source of the electric matrix in 2019, according to ABEEólica (Brazilian Wind Energy Association). The outlook is to arrive in 2022 with an installed capacity of 17.6 gigawatts in the country, against current 13.4 GW, according to the same source.

In an event held last Thursday (9) at the France-Brazil Chamber of Commerce, in São Paulo, about “Commercialization of electric energy in the Brazilian scenario”, the executive manager of CCEE (Chamber of Commerce of Electric Energy), Luiz Felipe Falcone de Souza, agreed with this positive scenario and explained why wind energy is a good investment in Brazil.

“The generation of wind energy in Brazil has grown a lot in recent years, and it is a very promising sector that can be very competitive. The energy sector receives many subsidies in Brazil, but when it comes to wind energy, it is an area that receives subsidies but does not depend on them”, analyzed Souza.

According to Souza, since 2004, 18% of the auctions were wind energy, while 30% were hydroelectric power. For him, this is an indicator of the potential of wind energy in Brazil.

Besides being competitive and sustainable, wind energy has many advantages for society, from the reduction of the dependence of fossil fuels to the creation of jobs.

It is an inexhaustible source of energy, which does not emit polluting gases or generate waste, and reduces the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). For all this, it is a great alternative for foreign companies that want to invest in the sector, or want to open business in Brazil that depend on the use of energy.

Improvement proposals for the energy sector

At the event, the executive of CCEE also listed proposals for improvement for the energy sector.

“One of the main needs is the separation of users from the wholesale and retail, since individuals can not follow the same rules of use as malls or large corporations, for example,” Souza explained.

“The expansion of power generation, the free and regulated market and the revision of taxation, which is very high in Brazil, are other aspects that need to be improved.The sector is attentive to them and discussing proposals for improvement”, said Souza.

Europartner supports the energy sector

“The event was very important for us to have an overview of the Brazilian energy scenario. In this area, the wind sector and infrastructures in general are a niche that we are interested in and that we have total conditions to meet,” says Singrid Teixeira, responsible for Europartner’s Commercial Department and management of new partnerships, who attended the event.

“It is worth mentioning that we have foreign clients that already operate in the energy segment and have business in Brazil. We are pleased to be able to help and be with our customers in the process of establishing the company in Brazil”, completes Teixeira.

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