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Brazil NF-e 4.0 2018 – How the new version of invoice looks like?

NF-e 4.0 is an updated electronic invoice model (NF-e) to meet the new tax and legal changes. As there is a certainty regarding the changes determined by the Treasury Department, it is important that the NF-e be adjusted from time to time.

The idea is that these adjustments optimize the supervision, as well as the routine of the companies that emit it.

Since July, the older model was disabled and those who have not yet adapted to the new version are no longer be able to issue their invoices.

It is precisely because of this that every company needs to know what these changes are, and what needs to be done for the corporation to adopt them.

What’s New in NF-e 4.0

All the news coming with the NF-e 4.0 were planned and are technical adjustments. The change that draws the attention of the entrepreneur is the adoption of the protocol TLS 1.2 or higher, being forbidden the use of SSL protocol as standard of communication. This will ensure more security to the issuing process.

As for the form of payment, also to the innovations in its indicator field. The information must be integrated into the Payment Information Group, which also provides the information on the exchange value. The issuer must indicate the means of payment used – money, check, credit card, etc.

Another constant change in NF-e 4.0 refers to the Poverty Combat Fund (FCP) fields for internal or interstate operations with Tax Replacement (ST). Now, it will be possible to identify the amount referring to the percentage of ICMS related to the Fund to Combat Poverty, which is provided for in Article 82 of the Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act of the Federal Constitution. According to the Treasury Department, in the old version this was not met in the fields created in the ICMS Tax Group for the state of destination.

Other adjustments and changes in NF-e 4.0

See other changes that should be included in NF-e 4.0 2018:

  • In the Identification Group of the Electronic Invoice, the presence indicator field (indPres) now has option 5 (face-to-face operation, outside the establishment), specific for street vending;

  • NF-e 4.0 now has a new group called product traceability (Group I80). It allows the tracking of any product subject to sanitary regulations;

  • Group X – Transport Information of the NF-e must have new freight modalities (id: X02), such as own transport on behalf of the sender or own transport on behalf of the recipient;

  • For products such as medicines, the code of the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (Anvisa) must be informed in the new specific field

In the service validation rules are new fields or new controls;

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