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Europartner attends Hacking.Rio, the biggest innovation event in RJ


Last week, Europartner attended the largest hacking competition in Brazil, Hacking.Rio, which took place in Rio de Janeiro between June 27 and June 29, in one of the city’s most recent symbols of innovation, the Aqwa Corporate building, located in Porto Maravilha.

Organized by Juntospelo.Rio – a movement led by a team of entrepreneurs and business leaders who are passionate about Rio, seeking to create and enhance local business opportunities through collaboration, innovation and technology-, Hacking.Rio was composed of 3 events – Rio Hackathon, Rio Summit, and Rio Forum and promoted an exchange of experiences and solutions for the state.

According to the organization, the event brought together more than 2000 thousand participants, among innovators, entrepreneurs, specialists and potential investors for the real process of transformation of the Rio Smart City 2020.

Among the speakers were Bruno Aranha, Head of Private Equity Management at BNDES; Bernardo Monzo, Startups Project Manager at Sebrae/RJ; João Mesquita, CEO of Globo Play and Nadia Armelin, CEO of Yenzah Cosmetics. The event also featured other international speakers who contributed actively with their experiences from their home countries.


Considered the biggest innovation event in Rio, it proposed a competition among hackers and technology experts gathered in teams, creating solutions of high impact for the real challenges of society and the market of Rio de Janeiro.

It was three days of marathon with the participation of hackers, developers, programmers, technology experts, CTO startups, entrepreneurs and students from different universities. All came together for a common goal: to generate high-impact solutions to the real challenges of the Rio market.

With challenges launched by companies, universities and activators of Juntos pelo.Rio, hackers and programmers had 42 hours to present solutions to the questions presented.

Europartner supports innovation

“This event was important to have a better idea of what the city of Rio de Janeiro has developed on this subject, and how we can contribute. In addition, discussing technology today with people and companies who are engaged in the cause of innovation, entrepreneurship and startups is something that Europartner has carried out and has given considerable importance, nationally and internationally”, says Singrid Teixeira, responsible for Europartner’s Commercial Department and management of new partnerships, who attended the event.

“Much has been done for innovation, but much more can be done. And these initiatives should come just from the government, universities and technology centers. The private initiative must also contribute in this regard. If everyone does a little, the cause gains strength and the city of Rio de Janeiro gains credibility, even in a disadvantageous economic and political scenario. Thus, our economy empowers, and Brazil gets stronger”, analyzes Teixeira.

Europartner supports foreign companies operating in Brazil and is increasingly close to startups, in order to support entrepreneurship and innovation.

“Nowadays, the company is in a phase of repositioning the brand, and through the world scenario, Europartner saw the need to re-position itself as a company that is eyeing the market, following global trends and preparing to meet this new demand for B2B and technology customers, and think and works for a different future. We are working hard and innovation and startup issues have been one of our work strands”, complements Teixeira.

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