Accounting area has undergone regular implementations of new accounting rules and standards in Brazil, according to changes in laws. For 2023, new changes are expected, requiring accounting professionals and entrepreneurs to keep themselves updated.
Among the main changes expected for 2023 and that will certainly impact the company’s accounting service in Brazil include:
- New obligations of the Digital Bookkeeping System of Fiscal, Social Security and Labor Obligations (eSocial);
- Changes in the Public Digital Bookkeeping System (SPED);
- Changes in the Social Security Professiographic Profile (PPP).
Learn more about these changes of accounting standards in Brazil with Europartner, a company that relies on Brazil´s more experienced certified accountants!
Company’s accounting in Brazil for 2023: changes in eSocial
As from January 1, 2023, the companies have to start the sending of obligations of the events in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) from Group 4 to eSocial.
As provided in MTP/RFB/ME Joint Ordinance no. 2, dated April 19, 2022, the procedure also extends to small and medium enterprises (PME).
In summary, there are three OHS events to be presented to eSocial:
- S-2210 – Communication of Labor Accident (CAT);
- S-2220 – Worker Health Monitoring;
- S-2240 – Labor Environmental Conditions – Harmful Agents.
Fiscal SPED: mandatory submission according to Brazil accounting standards
As from January, 2023, changes provided in practical guide version 3.1.0 of Digital Fiscal Bookkeeping (DFB) of Industrialized Product Tax (IPI) and Good and Service Trading Tax (ICMS) are effective.
Thus, Brazilian certified accountants must search for updated information, so as not to commit accounting management errors.
Main new points include:
- New registration 0221;
- New registrations C855 and C895 (fiscal entry observations);
- New registrations C857 and C897 (intended for change entry).
Social Security Professiographic Profile (PPP)
Electronic PPP, that shows worker labor history, is comprised by event submission S-2240 (Labor Environmental Conditions Harmful Agents) in eSocial. The are data referring to the activity performed, harmful agents and clinical medical tests.
The Social Security Professiographic Profile (PPP) in electronic medium is expected to go into effect in January, 2023. This change had already been extended previously due to claim of companies, especially the ones included in National Simple.
That is so, as they are still adapting to the OHS events in eSocial. All PPP information is taken from the Technical Report of Labor Environmental Conditions (LTCAT). However, other OHS documents of the company also serve as basis.
Accounting standards
Starting January 2023, the Brazilian accounting standards also begin to go into force for micro and small enterprises.
In summary, there are two new standards: NBC TG 1001, which refers to the accounting for Small Enterprises. In case of NBC TG 1002, guidelines for the accounting of micro enterprises are informed.
Definition of Micro and Small Enterprises
Micro and Small Enterprises are defined based on the annual gross revenue, from the following year, in accordance with Clause II of art. 3 of the complementary Law no.123/2006. This definition also complies with Presumed Profit limit, as provided by art. 13 of Law no. 9.718/1998.
Namely: small enterprises that have an annual gross revenue higher than the maximum limit for 2 consecutive years must migrate, following NBC TG 1000 or the full set of the accounting standards.
Ongoing proposal for MEI
Individual micro-entrepreneurs can also be included with accounting changes. That is because there is a project in progress and that still needs approval of the National Congress, foreseeing the increase of the annual revenue: 144 thousand reais.
What is more, Income Tax Reform must be included in the agenda of the government in 2023.
Do you need company accounting in Brazil? Europartner team is comprised of Brazil´s most qualified certified accountants. Contact us and learn more about our services!