Customs broker in Brazil

Miniature shipping containers placed on banknotes and financial documents, symbolizing customs and tax management handled by a customs broker in Brazil.

The customs broker in Brazil is responsible to ensure that goods entering the country will comply with fiscal and commercial legislation.  This procedure, known as customs brokerage, or customs clearance, guarantees a thorough verification of the information provided by the importer, confirming its accuracy, compliance with requirements, and other regulations set by the Revenue Service. […]

Tax in Brazil

This image symbolizes the governance and legal structure surrounding tax in Brazil, emphasizing the regulatory framework and its financial implications

The tax system in Brazil is one of the most complex in the world.  According to the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), since the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of 1988, an average of 37 tax regulations have been issued per day. As a result, companies spend approximately US$ 36.2 billion per year to […]

Understanding Brazilian Accounting Standards

A miniature shopping cart filled with brazilian real cash and a long receipt, symbolizing financial transactions and compliance with brazilian accounting standards for accurate reporting and tax management.

The Brazilian Accounting Standards (NBC) are a set of rules that govern accounting practices in Brazil. They are developed by the Federal Accounting Council (CFC) and must be followed by all Brazilian companies, both public and private. They form the solid foundation underpinning the country’s accounting framework, providing it with cohesion, uniformity, and reliability.  These standards […]

What is COFINS in Brazil?

Group of coworkers collaborating at a computer, representing companies contributing to COFINS in Brazil.

  Learn about this federal tax, discover if your business is required to pay it, and understand the calculation process. Brazil’s tax burden is among the highest in the world. According to the World Bank, 65.3% of corporate profits in the country are allocated to tax payments. Many of these taxes, moreover, are not only […]

What is PIS in Brazil?

The Social Integration Program (PIS) is a Brazilian tax designed to fund social programs and to stimulate economic growth. Established amid labor and social security reforms, the PIS has become a cornerstone of Brazil’s tax system, affecting both businesses and employees.  The PIS rate varies based on the taxpayer’s category and the nature of the […]

What is INSS in Brazil?

O caminho para a aposentadoria, tema central do INSS no Brasil, responsável por garantir benefícios previdenciários aos trabalhadores. Representa o planejamento e a segurança buscados ao longo da vida.

The INSS in Brazil is the institution responsible for managing social security benefits. If your company is planning to expand into Brazil or hire Brazilian employees, understanding INSS Brazil tax is crucial for ensuring compliance with local regulations. The acronym INSS stands for National Social Security Institute, which oversees the payment of pensions and other […]

Explaining ICMS in Brazil

A shopping cart containing boxes referencing the impact of ICMS on e-commerce transactions and imports in Brazil.

For entrepreneurs in Brazil and abroad, ICMS is one of the main taxes to be managed. Whether you are a small entrepreneur or a large corporation, understanding how the ICMS tax works is fundamental to optimizing tax management. In fact, Brazil is a very interesting country when it comes to investments, yet it is quite […]

Key Industries in Brazil: What Investors Need to Know

key industries_containers

Brazil is a fantastic country with a large territory and a great diversity of key industries in Brazil. The different industrial sectors in Brazil are remarkably important for the economy. They span different segments, which have a great influence on all other branches of the economy, from trade to agribusiness. The industrial sector is an […]

What is nota fiscal in Brazil?

When a foreigner entrepreneur arrives in Brazil, he will rapidly wonders what a nota fiscal is.  Nota fiscal is issued for every financial transaction, whether you are buying a snack at the airport, shopping at a supermarket or making an online purchase of products or services. This document is fundamental to the Brazilian economy and […]

Top 10 Brazilian cities for investment in 2024

Brazilian cities for investment

Would you like to know the best Brazilian cities for investment? From now on, you’ll get to know the most promising cities to invest in 2024.  Based on the renowned Entrepreneurial Cities Index Ranking (ICE) 2023, drawn up by the National School of Public Administration (ENAP), this guide will take you on a tour of […]